The Influence of Price and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable (Study on Mixue Lampung)


This study examines the influence between price, product quality, purchase decisions, and purchase intention in the context of Mixue Ice Cream and Tea in Lampung. As the food and beverage market in Indonesian continues to grow, understanding the factors that influence consumer choices is of paramount importance to businesses operating in this industry. Specifically, consumers weigh these factors heavily when choosing Mixue Ice Cream and Tea products. A structured survey was conducted to gather data from a representative sample of the consumers in Lampung. This research was conducted quantitatively on 112 respondents. The research was conducted on all Lampung people who know about Mixue and have consumed Mixue Ice Cream and Tea Lampung products. The method used is Structural Equation Model with SmartPLS 4.0 software in 2023. The results of this research prove that price has a positive effect on purchase intention. Price has a positive effect on purchase decisions. Product quality has a positive effect on purchase intention. Product quality has a positive effect on purchase decisions. Purchase intention has a positive effect on purchase decisions. Price has a positive effect on purchase decisions through purchase intention as intervening variable. Product quality has a positive effect on purchase decisions through purchase intention as intervening variable.


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